Fachinformationsdienst BAUdigital

A platform for research: civil engineering, architecture and urbanism

Search help

Search terms and search phrases

Search terms consist of one or more words. If no Boolean operators (see below) are specified, search terms for the search are linked by AND by default.

Example: building information modeling
This query finds all records containing the words "building", "information" AND "modeling" (including synonyms). Search phrases are enclosed in double quotes.

Example: "building information modeling"
This search query only finds records that contain the specified words in exactly this spelling and order.

The search suggests terms from controlled vocabularies that fit the user-entered characters. The list of suggestions can be navigated via the arrow key of the keyboard. The highlighted suggestion can be selected via the return key. Hitting the return key for the second time triggers the search.

Search term expansion

Search terms are automatically enriched with synononyms from controlled vocabularies. For example, when search for "CAD", the search will simulatenously search for the terms "computer-aided design" and the German term "rechnerunterstützter Entwurf". This query finds records that contain the term CAD as well as the synonyms.

The search can be triggered without search term expansion with one click directly on the search result page. The search will then only use the entered terms and the result list will be limited to records matching these terms.

Boolean operators and bracketing

The operators AND, OR and NOT can be used for the search. The operators are to be written in capital letters. If several operators are to be used in a search query, they must be logically separated from each other with brackets and used as a delimiter between all search terms.

Example: (city OR urban) AND point cloud AND NOT building
This query finds records with either "city" or "urban" and always "point cloud" but never "building".

Wildcards and truncation

Search terms can be modified by the wildcards asterisk (*) and question mark (?). ? stands for exactly one single character and * for any number of characters (including zero). These characters can be combined and used multiple times in a term. However, wildcards cannot be used in search phrases.

Example: ?im
This search query finds records that contain the words "bim" or "cim", for example.

Example: scan*
This search query finds records that contain words that have or begin with the string "scan".