Fachinformationsdienst BAUdigital

A platform for research: civil engineering, architecture and urbanism

About us

The Specialised Information Service BAUdigital was a DFG-funded project (2020-2023) conducted by Braunschweig University Library, Darmstadt University and State Library, TIB-Leibniz Information Center for Technology and Natural Sciences and University Library and Fraunhofer Information Center for Space and Building IRB. Its main objective was to develop a joint information, networking, research and data exchange platform for the disciplines of civil engineering, architecture and urbanism (urban planning).


Main Focus

The disciplines mentioned generate research results in the form of heterogeneous data to an unprecedented extent. "Born-digital" data is supplemented by retro-digitized data from archives and collections. The reuse of the aggregated data enables completely new planning and research approaches in the building industry, but also requires new tools for research and networking.

Tasks of the FID BAUdigital were:

  • the launch of an innovative web service platform for research in civil engineering, architecture and urban studies with a focus on digital methods and technologies,
  • the development of a thesaurus BAUdigital as Linked Open Data,
  • the retro-digitization of 2D and 3D objects,
  • the establishment of a 3D retro-digitization service,
  • Supporting the community with the establishment of a research data repository and making research data available within the framework of the FAIR Data Principles,
  • the long-term archiving of selected research data,
  • the build-up of a research atlas to support researchers in networking and exchange,
  • Open access and publication services.