Fachinformationsdienst BAUdigital

A platform for research: civil engineering, architecture and urbanism

OA-Training "OA4Architects"

The "OA4Architects" workshop is aimed in particular at architects, in order to demonstrate the possibilities of Open Access publishing and to identify the desiderata that still exist.

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A wide range of research output can be observed in architecture, which in addition to research results in text and images can also include exhibitions, competitions and material and digital artefacts. The great interest in freely available image materials, research results and data contrasts with the opinion of researchers that Open Access has so far been little used as a form of publication in architecture (cf. Elsner/Wermbter 2022). Yet open access publication helps to increase the visibility and citation of researchers and ensures free, fast and permanent access to research results and the associated research data.

We offer the identical workshop on two dates for you to choose from:

Monday, 03.07.2023 (10:00 - 11:00 am) or Wednesday, 05.07.2023 (14:00 - 15:00 pm)

In 60 minutes, we will inform you about the main topic of Open Access publishing and re-use of Open Access materials and present the corresponding services of the FID BAUdigital. Please feel free to bring your own examples of use or questions about re-use rights from your research practice.

The workshop will take place as a virtual event and participation is free of charge. You will receive the dial-in data and further information after your registration after the registration deadline on 28.06.2023.

Registration here >

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at openaccess@fid-bau.de